The enterprises under the brand name were not established in one go; in the last quarter century they were gradually plugged in the same tree. The journey began with Vistaara Architects and Engineers in the year 1994 and later registered as a limited liability company under the Joint Stock Companies and Firms in the year 1999. Meanwhile in 1996 Development Entrepreneurs Limited was emerged as a real estate enterprise in the market. In the year 2008 both the organizations resettled with partnership and finally the Mustapha Family acquired all the shares from other partners. In the same year another real estate company Delvistaa Limited was registered as a LLC and started its operations. As part of the CSR in 2009, a philanthropic organization Delvistaa Foundation was formed and duly registered. The initiative was undertaken in 2015 to publish DOT, a regular quarterly focusing art and architecture of Bangladesh. The family’s latest two ventures, Tagore Terrace: The Theme Café and the Dhaka Gallery started their operations in the late 2018. All the shares of the enterprises remain with the Mustapha Family.